Hi all!
Basically when I did a Windows update back in April or so, I lost my Deepbot entirely. Basically had to reinstall it- everything was gone. No idea where it went. So I rolled with it and we called it the Deepbot Nuke of '17 in my stream.
Well, about two days ago I found my old folder- it was moved to an entirely different hard drive I never use! So now I am wondering, is there any way to merge all the old data so it adds to the new one?
Example: Someone had 105 in old currency and 38 hours watched. They now have 12 hours watched and 45 new currency. Is there a way to merge it so they have 50 hours watched and 150 new currency, outside of manually editing everything? And, if I need to do it manually, is there a way to load the userdata into another (unlinked) DeepBot API so I can see the stats side by side and manually enter them?
Thanks so much!