Author Topic: Is it possible to do? (Custom Commands) Quiz  (Read 1995 times)

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Is it possible to do? (Custom Commands) Quiz
« on: July 04, 2018, 05:54:33 AM »
i wanna do a "minigame" like this (its kinda quiz game) the "300" is the value of the points, what you can earn while hanging out in the stream

example - of a twitch chat:

Viewer-1: !quiz viewer2 300

BOT: Viewer1 has challenged you. Value: 300. with !accept you accept the challenge.

Viewer-2: !accept

BOT: the quiz question will be asked from the streamer

Streamer: 1+3

Viewer-1: 4

Streamer: !quizwin Viewer-1

is it possible to do it? :/


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Re: Is it possible to do? (Custom Commands) Quiz
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2018, 10:26:23 AM »
Yep. You can do it via custom commands, but you can also make use of the guessing game. ;)
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Re: Is it possible to do? (Custom Commands) Quiz
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2018, 03:49:04 AM »
i wanna do a "minigame" like this (its kinda quiz game) the "300" is the value of the points, what you can earn while hanging out in the stream

example - of a twitch chat:

Viewer-1: !quiz viewer2 300

BOT: Viewer1 has challenged you. Value: 300. with !accept you accept the challenge.

Viewer-2: !accept

BOT: the quiz question will be asked from the streamer

Streamer: 1+3

Viewer-1: 4

Streamer: !quizwin Viewer-1

is it possible to do it? :/

Ok I think I can see what you are trying to do but I have some questions. First let me make sure I am understanding it right. Viewer #1 challengers Viewer #2 to a quiz. If Viewer #2 accepts then the Streamer asks a question. The person with the correct answer wins the challenge. Is that correct?

My questions:
  • Do both people answer the question or is it only the person being challenged?
  • The 300 points, is that wagered and lost if the quiz is accepted and the answer is incorrect or is that simply the points that are gained. I would imaged if both people accepted the challenge then the winner would get their 300 points back PLUS the 300 from the other person. The person than answers wrong will receive 0 points and actually lose their 300 point wager.
  • What if both people are INcorrect?
  • What if both people are correct? Would the person who answered first be the winner? Would they both be considered the winner? Would both be paid out and lose nothing? Or would they both earn 0 points.
  • If both people answer the question, how to prevent the second person copying the answer from the first person? I would recommend having both people WHISPER the answer to the bot.
  • How will you prevent Viewers #3 and #4 creating a NEW quiz at the same one the current quiz with Viewers #1 and #2 are active? I would recommend saving the status of the quiz as 0 = inactive and 1 = active in a text file and when someone tries to initiate a new quiz, it will not be started until the current one has been set to inactive.
  • Would you ever expand it to more viewers instead of just 2 viewers at a time?
  • What if the person being challenged does not have the required amount of points to be wagered?

Can very easily be done with custom commands but depending on how you tweak it can determine whether or not this is simply a guessing game or a bet or a custom command. You don't have to answer the questions, just think about how you would want to handle the game.