Author Topic: Loading a Playlist  (Read 4424 times)

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Loading a Playlist
« on: August 03, 2014, 10:57:05 AM »
Hello again,

Id like to know if there is a tutorial on how to load an offline playlist. Or if there is a certain format it has to be in or something. All my music is in mp3 format and deepbot cant find them.

Also is there a time limit that Youtube music loaded into deepbot has to be? Id like to be able to load long songs and playlists from youtube.



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Re: Loading a Playlist
« Reply #1 on: August 04, 2014, 12:16:38 AM »
Regarding Offline Playlists

Deepbot makes use of the Youtube embedded player when playing music requests by viewers and music added manually to the playlist. As such any music you have stored on your system won't be played via the music player in Deepbot. This is the reason why your music cannot be located in the program. The easiest thing to do would be to find a copy someone has uploaded to youtube and add it to the playlist that way. If you have your own private playlist though, don't have song requests enabled and want Deepbot to display the song you are currently playing via the !song command, you can use iTunes which should scobble the information for use in Deepbot.

As to how the playlist file looks, you can see an example below

Code: [Select]
1,iUB3cgFL-a4,318,ianchandler1990,The Comedown Robotsonics

And what each part means

Code: [Select]
<Playlist Name>, <Number of Songs In Playlist>, <Current Position In Playlist>
<Song Position>, <Youtube V= Variable>, <Song Length>,<Requester>,<Video Name>

The playlist itself is in a .plst format. If you add songs via Deepbot and want to save it for future use simply press "Save Offline Playlist" and choose a file name of your choosing. The default location for these files is in the "Playlist" folder which can be found in the folder where your Deepbot is located.

With Regards To Youtube Time Limit

Yes, there is a limit on a per video basis. I believe this is 20 minutes max. I don't believe there is a limit to the amount of songs you can have in the playlist but obviously the bigger the playlist the longer it will take to initially load. 
If you need to get through to me you can try to contact me on Twitter @


  • Youngling
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Re: Loading a Playlist
« Reply #2 on: August 06, 2014, 09:30:49 AM »
Thanks for the information! Im totally fine with using youtube links. However, i have been trying with 20 min or less songs and they dont seem to load. So far the longest song ive been able to use is i think 5 min.  I will keep trying though.
