Author Topic: Bankheist options  (Read 1700 times)

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  • Youngling
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Bankheist options
« on: October 09, 2014, 05:16:21 AM »
Bankheist works for some currencies but not all. I feel like maybe choosing own command for this and a few variables would be very nice.

[14:06:55] <ecoay> : !@Variable1
[14:06:55] <vulgarise> : ecoay has started planning a @Variable2! Looking for a bigger crew for a bigger score. Join in! Type !@Variable1
  • to enter.

<vulgarise> : ecoay executed the @Variable2 flawlessly, sneaking into the Funeral Home Municipal Bank through the back entrance and looting 1 Skulls from the @Variable3.

So since my currency is skulls I could have them grave robbing at a cemetary and looting skulls from caskets or lets say Geekdomo stream he uses DKP they could go on a Dungeon Raid and earn DKP.


  • Youngling
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Re: Bankheist options
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2014, 07:34:03 AM »
I do agree that being able to set exactly what we wanna call the "banks" would be great. maybe even being able to change it so its not a bankheist? Now as we call our currency MetaCoins it obviously works fine for us atm but still we might come up with some other cool stuff

BUT I want to add, that on top of this, being able to ADD more levels to the bank heist, and maybe also get control over how many is needed for each bank level, the chance/risk levels, payout multipliers, all those things I feel we should be able to modify!

I think the default as is, is great, but the added level of customization would be an obvious VIP Feature.

But yes, all these things are needed :) more so for some than for others, but I do believe many agree that we should be able to add more levels and customize the existing ones.