Author Topic: Song requests question / suggestion  (Read 1271 times)

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Song requests question / suggestion
« on: December 16, 2014, 07:41:24 PM »
I would like to know if theres any possibility of making it so MODS can access things like Volume on songs or better yes skip songs that are currently going on? unfortunately I cannot alow my viewers ability to skip songs because they have the tenancy to troll eachother. I would like it if MODS were the only ones able to skip songs and the volume thing would be nice. Also How would I go about making it so viewers cant give eachother any currency points? I wouldnt like it if they all pooled their points to get something better. Thank you for your time and for this awesome botl Look forward to making this my full time Bot. :)


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Re: Song requests question / suggestion
« Reply #1 on: December 16, 2014, 10:44:59 PM »
Mods can already control the volume.
As for skipping songs, there is a veto cost associated with it. So you could give mods a lot of points to use that power.

As for disabling giving of points, you can control this in the master settings option panel (cog on the top right of the config page)