Hello there.
I did talk briefly inside the streamer chat within the bot but I wanted to come and make an official thread about my problem here.
I am having difficulty getting the top donator sound to play, I have tried an MP3 and WAV file format and tested two donations that would flag up as the top for the day.
The "TopDonor.txt" file does update to show the top donations and I have also adjusted the date previously to set the date to show like this:
I tested making a $1 donation to my channel and then a $1.01 donation. The $1 was set to play the MP3 version of my sound and the $1.01 to play the WAV version. Each time it did not play the sound.
Now to clarify, I want the bot to sound the top donation on a daily basis, playing the top donor sound for the highest donation made on that day.
I would assume that the top donation would be based off of the top value for the day set within the notifcations tab? Or is the donation based off of the all time top? I do have a top donation of $40 of all time, so I curious if the bot is comparing all donations to that?
Or could there be a problem with my top_donor files or what does the bot compare the current donation against to work out if it was the highest?
Hopefully I have explained my problem and question right, if not let me know and I will rephrase.
Many thanks in advance and keep up the good work!