Author Topic: DeepBot canceling host mode on me  (Read 1082 times)

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DeepBot canceling host mode on me
« on: February 18, 2015, 04:40:31 PM »
When I manually select to host someone, even while the stream is still active, a few minutes later the host mode will be exited.  I've managed to narrow it down to being when Deepbot is connected to my Twitch account.  If only connected to the bot account, not an issue.  Owner account, it happens.

Now, I know that the built in feature of hosting others is only available to those who are monthly supporters of Deepbot, but if I choose to host someone else, then the bot shouldn't stop the hosting of the other channel (except possibly if that other stream ends, but even then there should be an option I can toggle to stop it).

As a recommendation, if the 'owner' of a channel doesn't have a monthly supporter status, then then only time Deepbot should exit hosting mode is if the current stream (streamer that the bot is registered to) goes from being offline to being online.  Other than that, it shouldn't mess with it because the stream owner may not like it being turned off like that.

To add, I'm asking for support on this issue as I believe it's a bug.  The recommendation is just an added comment.


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Re: DeepBot canceling host mode on me
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2015, 01:06:15 AM »
Thanks - this should now be fixed in the latest update.