Personally, I run nothing but OBS on my "broadcast PC", all supporting apps are run on a "support PC" (Deepbot, Twitter. Hexchat, Etc). If I were streaming PC games (currently I stream consoles) I would cable it in just like a console meaning the gaming PC would run only the game and grab the audio/video from the HDMI output, just like a console.
Looking at the IRC chat shouldn't be that cpu intensive, even on busy streams there usually isn't that much text, save for the masses of join/leaves when someone hosts/unhosts and it would be configured to ignore all of those anyway right?
You could also have the option of ignoring commands, since that isn't what we want to respond to anyway. That would trim out >50% of the chat text right off the top. Most pc's these days are quad-core or better, I would think this could easily be done on a mid-level "support PC"?
Oh well, we can always neuter xanbot of all other features and use it solely for auto replies, I just don't like excessive bot presence, it tends to put people off (Myself included) and since Deepbot isn't going anywhere

it just seemed logical for it to include this feature.