Author Topic: Subs & Donation Train Streak + Countdown Timer To End Streak (Overlay)  (Read 2992 times)

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  • Padawan
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  • Twitch Name: kyroskoh
I would like to request for a simple overlay: Subscribing & Donation Train Streak Counts with a Countdown Timer to end the streak count for OBS/XSplit Overlay.

Features: The streamer can set an end streak timer for a certain amount of time (example: 5 mins) if there's no sub/donation train.

If the sub/donation train meets within the streak timer, the count will be +1 (maybe including additional with the person's name).


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  • Twitch Name: expertsonline

Sub/Donation trains have been requested a number of times.
We would like the system to be comprehensive and integrated which is taking a fair bit of time.

Long story short, it is on our To-Do list and will be added soon.