Author Topic: Doing my best to make this work! (Taking tips)  (Read 1106 times)

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Doing my best to make this work! (Taking tips)
« on: March 28, 2015, 04:23:35 AM »
Hey, my name is Geovani; some of you may know me as sk3let from League of Legends. I have been playing LOL for two years, and I just started streaming back in October, 2014. I am currently a Gold 5 Top main. I also play a lot of ADC. Climbing the ladder, I hope to get to Platinum this season!
Channel :
Schedule : Monday-Friday @ 6pm -1 am (Central Time)
Games : I mostly play/stream League of Legends. Once in a while I will stream some H1Z1 as well.
Goal : My goal is to improve my game and help others improve theirs while interacting and having fun with my viewers! I am also aiming for partnership so I can do what I love as a career!
Background: I am a gamer in my early 20's. I love to interact with my viewers! Definitely check me out at