Author Topic: Command Privileges  (Read 1125 times)

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Command Privileges
« on: June 05, 2017, 12:09:32 PM »
In making commands Ive generally always used "!example" for the starting command and then labeled the following commands numerically for ease of use "!example2", "!example3" and so on. We can hide the chained commands but if someone happened to type "!example2" they could bypass or break parts of the chain. Running items under "bot" privileges If I remember correctly this also used to break the chain in the some way so Im just looking for clarification on it. If I want to put further chained commands after an initial command behind a wall in which users simply cant use them and bypass the initial command does using "bot" privileges work? Or what exactly do these privileges cover?


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Re: Command Privileges
« Reply #1 on: June 05, 2017, 09:13:25 PM »
Running as bot will run the commands as the bot. So if you had something like @editpoints@[@user@|10], it would add 10 points to the bot instead of the user. However, if in the chain part, you include @user@, you could make it a target. Example: !example2 @user@, and the command message of !example2, @target@[1] has used this chain command.

Although if you seen the examples on the wiki, I believe they do something like Mods only on chained commands and set the first/initial command to run as "User (elevated access)". So even if they run the 2nd or 3rd chained commands (etc) they have to be a mod in order to run them.
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