Author Topic: [Guide] Voice Commands  (Read 6931 times)

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[Guide] Voice Commands
« on: August 22, 2015, 09:30:28 PM »
How to setup voice commands

Video Guide: Here

This guide will show you how to use VoiceAttack ( Trial: 21 Days, You can Buy it for: $8) with deepbot to run commands with your voice.

What you will need

  • Latest Version of Deepbot of course (
  • Voice Attack or Some program like it. (This Guide uses VoiceAttack)

Setting up CommandCLI.exe

1. First we need to grab your unique api key from deepbot. Open up deepbot, then on the config tab, click on the gear (Upper Right Corner) > Scroll down to API Secret > Copy This or Keep it open. (Do note all keys will be different)

2. Then Locate your Deepbot folder, then find CommandCLI.exe.config folder in there. (Your file location may be different, but by default it will be: C:\Deepbot - Streamer Asstiant)

3. Right Click > Open with > Choose Notepad > Look for Enter API Key Here, and paste your API key there, overwriting the text. If you have deepbot on another computer, then proceed to step 3a.

3a. *Skip this step unless you have a two computer setup for Deepbot If you are using deepbot on another computer, you will need to grab two files from the deepbot folder. The files that are needed on your streaming computer are CommandCLI.exe, CommandCLI.exe.config and put these on your streaming pc. (You can place them anywhere you like.) Then in the config file, you will need to edit the and put the IP address of the computer with deepbot on it here.

Setting up VoiceAttack

1. When you first start VoiceAttack, you want to do voice recognition on your computer, so your computer learns your voice. (Takes about 5-15 mins. It is located in your Control Panel > Ease of Access > Speech Recognition.)

2. Once VoiceAttack is open, click on the person with a pencil over them, above My Profile, then add command.

3. This is Optional, skip to step 4 if you don't want to setup a listen/stop listening command. You don't have to do this step, but I recommend you do, so you don't run other commands by accident. We are gonna create two commands, you can edit them how you please.

3a. Listen Command. I put when I say listen, voice attack will start listening to anything I say, then hit Other Tab > Click on Dropdown arrow and choose "Start VoiceAttack Listening". Then I would make sure your command is setup just like the pic, then you are done with this command.

3b. Stop Listening Command. Just like the above command, we do the same thing, except we click on "Make VoiceAttack Stop Listening"

4. Setting up a command. You can set this up how you like, but to setup this command, you do the following. Type "Run Arena" in when I say box. Then Hit Other about half-way down, Then clock on drop down arrow > Run An Application > Hit ... Box > Browser and Find "CommandCLI.exe" (C:\DeepBot - Twitch Streamer Assistant\CommandCLI.exe). Then in the parameters box is where you put the command, in this one I put "!startarena 1 100", then you can test run if you wish, then hit okay. Then okay at the bottom of the command box. Then Hit done from the command list box. Then try testing out the command.


What can you do with this program?

As far as I know you can run any command. However any command with @target@ can be tricky since it goes off what you say. So make sure the voice recognition system understands you clearly.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
« Last Edit: June 17, 2016, 05:34:37 AM by RepentGamingTV »
Old Name: RepentGamingTV
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