Nice ideas
I had couple of these too, but mainly just "for my channel" or atleast I thought so.
I would also welcome the option to resize the text aside from color coding and scrolling, yes, that would be nice. Also I came up with an idea of "readycheck" - made command "!r" for it. B/c some users think it's easier just to farm currency not being active, just "let it run".. well, from time to time I say "readycheck" on my channel, who is not listening does not have a chance
With bot's help, that would be awesome.
What I have to do now :
say readycheck
users type !r
I got a command for that, that says user is ready!!!!!!!!!!!
right click them in the chat and add 1 point of currency
If it could be automatized, say, whoever will type !r in next 2 minutes ( including the chat delay) will get 1(customizable?) point of currency, of course only once, not spammable. On the contrary, people only like to write the command with the sheep effect, ie. when they are not listening to me, if they got channel muted and just see some troll entering the command, couple others will enter the command and prey for the luck, that it is the case
In that case, if it's someone I know by name, ie. not new I tend to deduct one point. So if the user is above Private and is entering the command without me starting the option, it would deduct. I know it's not sounding like something cool, but it works pretty well, people are very happy, since it's worth 2.5hours of watching without VIP on my channel, if someone is not interested so much in that particular game, it still brings them to conversation and the chat is really nice after them, I am sure, you can imagine the rest.
Also, my bot does not start now, please see the bugs
Thanks for the ideas, for the last version and have a nice one