Bug: Before this recent patch which fixed up bot/admin permissions in command chains, the @user@ variable from latter commands in a command chain was passed to them by the former commands in that command chain.
If a user triggered !command1, and command1 triggered command2 either through the text output field or through the command-chain box, then the bot would set off !command2 with the initial user as the @user@ variable.
Since this most recent patch, however, all 2ndary commands in the command chain are treating the bot as if it was the @user@.
I noticed this because I have several minigames I run in my channel, where !commands trigger random lists fo other !commands which then alter currencies and/or timeout users:
!dungeon triggers !dunwin1, !dunlose1. Dunwin1 outputs a random flavor text and then chains to a command which gives the user bonus currency. Dunlose1 posts a message, then chains to a command which posts a death message and costs them currency.
However, these chat games now always treat the bot as the player: When someone !dungeons, the !dunwin1 or !dunlose1 (which have always used @user@) now target the bot.
I asked in Streamer Chat and was told that this is actually a bug and not the intended functionality. Therefore I am posting here!