Author Topic: Additional Command Functionality  (Read 1139 times)

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Additional Command Functionality
« on: July 23, 2015, 01:41:47 AM »
Basically, following on from my help request, I'd really like to see an expansion to the function of commands, such as:
*The ability to mass add or remove within a command (!command add 3, or !command remove 2, for example)
*Single commands to track independent totals for different games without needing to make an identical top-level command for every new game
*A clean way for stats to track across multiple games. I'd vastly prefer !command to know what game it should apply to, as @game@ has problems working with similarly titled games, such as sequels. And !command is much cleaner from a viewers perspective than !1command vs !2command, or however it would need to be rigged up to differentiate between themselves.