Author Topic: Viewer Queue - Note Locking, Blocking, and Updating  (Read 1312 times)

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Viewer Queue - Note Locking, Blocking, and Updating
« on: September 28, 2015, 02:13:08 PM »
I use the Note feature in Viewer Queues to let people enter their Nintendo Friend Code for Super Smash Brothers, or to enter their Course ID in Super Mario Maker.

I like to use OBS to display the note of the viewer I've drawn, but this fails if the user is particularly chatty. Once a viewer has chatted enough after being drawn, the displayed note scrolls down with the rest of the text and OBS' window capture picks up the wrong section of the bot.

[Lock the Note]: For the currently-drawn viewer, lock the "Note" section on-screen so it doesn't scroll down, even if the viewer is very active in chat.

In addition, viewers sometimes forget to set the note and just enter the queue command. For example I might need them to enter

!queue1 1234-5678-9000

So I can see their Friend code. But if they just type


They are added to the queue anyway with no code. I have to ask them for their code separately.

[Require Note Checkbox:] Add a "Require Note" checkbox that ignores queue commands that do not specify a note.

Still, if users specify a note but it's in a bad format or if they accidentally enter the wrong note, they are unable to update it. They can enter the !queue1 command again with a new note, but the bot simply repeats their place in line and doesn't update the note value.

[Allow Users to Update their Note:] If a user enters the !queue command with a new note when they are already in the queue, overwrite their old note with the new note that they entered.