Author Topic: Remote utilization of CLR Browser  (Read 1083 times)

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Remote utilization of CLR Browser
« on: November 08, 2015, 10:59:23 PM »
Not sure if I am not doing this right or if it is a possible future implementation, but I cannot utilize the CLR browser on a drage race when deepbot is running on a separate computer from OBS. 

1. OBS remote plugin works great with scene switching and on a notification test.
2. Dragrace works great on the preview on the local instance browser.
3. CLR link for the drag race will never display anything regardless of users that participate...let it run on last nights stream and never saw it pop during races.

If I am doing something wrong please !slap the crap out of me but from the way that it usually works I do not believe this is incorporated as of yet?

Oh and I am a turd is there a way you could modify the forum dB and change my darn forum name to MrGoatBeard ... I have no affiliations to bears as they are hairy and scare me.  Love you guys am really digging the features so far.


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Re: Remote utilization of CLR Browser
« Reply #1 on: November 09, 2015, 01:54:47 AM »
If using two PCs you need to port forward port 3337 and then add the ip to the CLR Browser URL.

A little guide on setting it up deepbot with two PCs:

Also you can change your name yourself: Profile Tab at the top > Account Settings > Name
Old Name: RepentGamingTV
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