I'm new to Deepbot, so it may be something utterly daft I'm doing wrong ...
I have run as admin, and checked I'mon the latest version - Revision
Nothing seemingly relevent was in the 'read his first' thread - the crash log mentions voice, couldn't see voice in the read his first thread.
Deepbot crashes when I save Master Settings after doing any one of the following:
check autoconnect on launch
check auto connect streamer account on launch
check autostart points timer on connect
Set default points mode to custom and alter the string at all.
Once it has crashed like this, it will then crash on restarting every time.
After the first instances, I made a backup copy of chanmsgconfig, users, and usersconfig bin files - restoring those allows deepbot to restart with previously working settings.
I've attached the error log, I hope you can help. Thanks.