This is from another user from another post, which can be found here: Checks two values. If they match, display some sample text. If they mismatch, display different sample text.
Arguments: @if@[data||matchWith||matchedResult||FailResult]
Possible Uses: You could use this for a coin flip to rewrite the RNG roll as "Heads" or "Tails".
Example command:!coin
[Coin Flip!] Result: @if@[@rand@[1,2]||1||Heads||Tails]
If a user invokes this command and a "2" is rolled, they will see this:
[Coin Flip!] Result: Tails
Note that if you leave out the last argument (In this case, ||Tails) the @if@ statement will display the input data instead of any user-specified text if it mismatches.
[Coin Flip!] Result: @if@[@rand@[1,2]||1||Heads]
If a user invoked this command and a "2" was rolled instead of a "1", this text would be displayed:
[Coin Flip!] Result: 2