I for one would LOVE to see Rank features implemented into Deepbot and here are a few of my thoughts on the subject.
If you take a look at the Moderation tab in Deepbot, you will find some additional tabs that are named Link Protection, Banned Words/Phrase Protection, and Spam Protection. When you examine these tabs closer you will find that Deepbot has features that allow VIPs and Subs to be flagged as "Immune Users" in chat. Now, with the "Immune Users" feature already implemented into Deepbot, how hard could it be to also give User Ranks the ability to be flagged as "Immune Users"?
Since Deepbot can currently flag VIPs and Subs as "Immune Users", then maybe something similar can be done with the User Ranks? A small drop down box for User Ranks could be added to the Link Protection tab, the Banned Words/Phrase Protection tab, and the Spam Protection tab. Once this drop down box is clicked, it will display a list of all the User Ranks that you are using in your channel. Once you have selected the Rank that you would like to flag as "Immune", you will then see new options that will give you the ability to flag the User Rank you have chosen as an "Immune User".
Just my 2 cent.