Now technically this is already a feature but what i mean by Editors feature is have it so you can add users to the bot so they can add commands etc (I know mods can do it right now, but I don't like the idea of mods having so much power over the bot).
So my Idea would be like what Ankhbot had a editors box where you can add peoples names who you really trust and have the ability to manipulate and configure the bot with distributing points or adding commands ect.
There is already a feature similar to this. There are different mod levels you can grant to certain mods you trust. Mod Level 1 allows mods to add and remove commands, while Mod Level 2 allows mods to add/remove points from users. You can also make it so that certain mods of your channel have no access over the bot whatsoever by going into the DeepBot program, right clicking their name in the User Database, Edit User, then unchecking the MOD box.
If you want to allow certain viewers that aren't modded in your channel to have control over making DeepBot commands and/or adding points, just repeat the same steps above, but, instead of unchecking it, check the MOD box and select which mod level you wish to grant the viewer.