Author Topic: DeepBot Songrequest Features  (Read 1529 times)

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DeepBot Songrequest Features
« on: March 21, 2016, 01:54:45 PM »
Here are a couple !RequestSong Features I think would help make deepbots Song request feature the best out there! Functionalities That are cleaver and very useful!

1) Showing the Song ID in Chat. - That way Mobile Mods can delete them when they arise :)
2) !SongWaitTime - Or something along the lines of that. Not sure if Possible but a Command that would tell how long of a wait till a new request would play. Like adding the Length of all the user requested songs and showing the wait :D
3) The Ability for a user to Delete A users own requested song. - !DelSong (Youtube ID) So If a user changes their mind without a mod having to do it. :3
4) The Ability to look up a song Similar to User database. - That way The streamer doesnt have to scroll through it to find a song. +Extra+ Possibly adding the ability to set in Alphabetical Order !

Thanks for looking thsese through! I think theyre clever and would help make DB Song Requests the best out there!!