Author Topic: Sub Count  (Read 1754 times)

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  • Youngling
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  • Twitch Name: abdulla520
Sub Count
« on: March 25, 2016, 06:41:14 AM »
Hello, all,

A stream that I mod for has requested me to find some help on a situation she is having. She is trying to display her sub count with a command; however, when the command is done, it displays the wrong number. The bot is displaying a number that includes bots (such as deepbot and nightbot) that are subbed. Obviously, these bots were set as a sub by a Twitch Staff member. For example, the command says 67 subs, when in reality, the streamer has 65 according to the twitch dashboard. Is there any way to show the correct sub number: the number that is shown on the dashboard?
Thank you for any contributions made,
