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Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« on: August 18, 2013, 10:06:57 PM »
Hi Guys

Development of bot is taking longer than expected due to two reasons:
1) My work commitments have gone up recently, preventing me from spending as much time on this project than I would have liked.
2) I want to ensure a great and fluid experience with the user interface, which sometimes requires me to spend days working on the look and feel as well upgrading the back-end processes to ensure users do not see any freezes or latency in their interactions.

As a number of people have asked for an update on how this project is going, I wanted to share a few details on the currently planned features and some screenshots of its current look and feel.
This should also allow people to give feedback and help evolve the product before development finishes.

Do take note, this is still in development, so anything shown below may still change before the final release.

If you have feedback, please feel free to post it in the Pre-release Feedback section.



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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #1 on: August 18, 2013, 10:23:27 PM »
Lets start off with the login screen.

The first part is fairly standard login information for the bot, the stream you wish to run it and the stream currency you wish to set.
Below that you can enter your streamer login information. This allows you to chat as yourself through the bot!

The second portion below allows you to control the points distribution for the different user classes, as well as configure a different point distribution when you are offline (or set this to 0 if you wish to disable this feature). Do note that the bot will be running on your computer, and hence for offline points to work, you would need to leave your computer running even while you are not streaming.

This may be a good time to introduce you to the user classes in available in the bot. The bot has the following user classes currently:
1) Streamer/Bot - Full Access. Reserved for the Streamer and the bot. Other users can't be assigned this level of access.
2) Mod Level 2 - Senior mod. Has access to almost all functionality in the bot. Please ensure this is given only to trusted individuals.
3) Mod Level 1 - Junior mod. Has access to check user points, start/stop raffles and auctions and enable/disable chat games. All Twitch channel mods are automatically granted this level of access.
4) VIP Gold - The highest level VIP tier.
5) VIP Silver - The second VIP tier.
6) VIP Bronze - The third level VIP tier.
7) Viewer - All other viewers that do not fall in any of the above categories


« Last Edit: September 13, 2013, 09:33:18 PM by ExpertsOnline »


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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #2 on: August 18, 2013, 10:42:35 PM »
Next up - Chat

A fairly straight forward screen showing you the chat in the channel along with a list of users. The list is sorted in the user class order mentioned in the login post and each userclass has an associated icon. The three user classes shown in the screenshot are Streamer (Crown), Bot (Logo) and Mod Level 2 (Knight).

On the top there are a few gold buttons to give bonus points to users who are present and viewing during special events. The last "?" allows you to distribute a user defined amount of points.
Also, functionality exists to filter the chat to only see VIP & Mods when special VIP only events are being conducted.

Lastly, if you right click on a user, additional options show up. Most of these are fairly standard twitch moderation options, so I wont go into them here.
The bot specific items are add points, remove points and edit user. Add points and remove points are fairly self explanatory where they allow you to add or remove points from a single user. As for the Edit User feature, I will cover it in the next section, the user database.


« Last Edit: August 18, 2013, 10:57:26 PM by ExpertsOnline »


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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #3 on: August 18, 2013, 11:24:03 PM »
Next up - User Database

This is where you can see all the user information for all users.
The filters on the top allow you to easily search for the user you are looking for while the panel below shows all the information about them.

Most elements are self explanatory, but I will go into some of these.
1) BattleTag - One key feature of Deep Bot is that the BattleTag database is universal. That means if a user registers his BattleTag on one channel running Deep Bot, the information is stored in the cloud and will be available to all channels running Deep Bot.
2) Experience - There is an experience system where users gain experience for every minute of viewership. There are a total of 42 levels, and to attain the maximum level, you would need approximately 1.5 years of viewership.
3) VIP Expiry - This allows you to set the expiry date for VIP status so you dont have to ever keep track of monthly subscriptions online. Simply enter the date the user attained VIP and the associated expiry date if any. If this is not renewed before expiry, then the VIP status is automatically removed and the user is moved back to the Viewer user class.
4) Note - This allows you to record any information about the user. Very helpful to keep track of donation amounts, user characteristics etc.

That said, if you wish to change any information, simply right click on a user and click edit user. This will bring up the edit user panel allowing you to modify the user class, user points and the notes section.

Main Screen:

Edit Screen:


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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #4 on: August 19, 2013, 12:27:13 AM »
Next up - Raffles

I have spent a lot of time designing this screen given it is a very important feature for streamers.
There are three types of raffles available:
1) Ticket raffles - These use the the stream currency. It allows you to specify the cost per ticket and the max number of tickets.
2) Keyword raffles - Allows you to run free raffles with any keyword you choose. No points needed.
3) Auctions - Allows you to run an auction using Points or In-game gold

The special feature here is that you have user class filters available for raffles! So you can open premium raffles for the different VIP classes, or keep them open to all users.

The winner screen shows the user class, the battle tag (gets copied to clipboard on click), the follow status and an afk timer for rerolls.

It also shows the chat on the right so that you can see what is going on in the channel!

Ticket Raffle

Keyword Raffle



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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #5 on: September 01, 2013, 01:23:34 AM »
Next up - channel messages.

Being able to communicate important information with the viewers is critical. So this section has been created with three separate modes in mind.
First off, channel commands. This is where users can type a command and a predefined message is shown, fairly self explanatory stuff. The main issue here is managing the command listing.
I have seen some people who have added over 20 commands and are not able to remember them!

So after a fair bit of experimentation, I have come up with the below interface. Users can add remove, enable and disable the active commands fairly easily.

Following on, we have Timed Messages. Again, the concept is fairly simple. Sending out important information frequently enough to the viewers.
Layout is similar to the first screen with an additional settings dialog for setting up the message frequency settings.

Last but not least, we have the notifications when users join or leave the channel. Right now this is fairly basic with only the ability to address the user using the @user@ tag.
I plan to enhance this in the next release to allow additional tags showing user class (VIP, Mod etc), user stream level, user points, and users last seen time.

For now, here is what the screen looks like at present.


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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #6 on: September 01, 2013, 01:57:01 AM »
Next Up - Auto-updates

Given my plans to enhance this bot over the next few months, it was critical to find the most efficient way to get updates to all users in the most seamless way.
Therefore I have built a customized auto-update solution which will not only check for updates, but install it automatically and port over existing config to ensure users can enjoy the new functionality in a seamless manner!

With this update, I feel the Bot has reached a stage, where I can open up the closed beta program. If you like what you see here, and would like to contribute towards improving it, head over to the closed beta application forums and apply today!


« Last Edit: September 01, 2013, 03:27:35 AM by ExpertsOnline »


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Re: Current Project Progress & ScreenShots
« Reply #7 on: September 13, 2013, 09:09:28 PM »
Here is a listing of the chat commands currently available.

Channel commands listed below:

    !bot : Displays information on the current bot version and website link
    !<currency name> : Displays the current points a user holds (e.g. !karma if the stream currency is called karma)
    !ticket x : Enters an open raffle with specified number of tickets (e.g. !ticket 4 to purchase 4 tickets)
    !bid x : Enters a bid during an open auction (e.g. !bid 400 to bid 400 points)
    !btag x : Enters the users btag into the global database (e.g. !btag XxDeePxX#6634 )
    !raffle help command to show users status of current raffles

Admin Commands

    !check user : Check the stream currency balance for a specified user
    !top x : Display x users with the highest amount of stream currency (x between 1 - 14)
    !add points users : Add a specified amount of points to user (e.g. !add 100 expertsonline , !add 5 all )
    !remove points users : Remove a specified amount of points from user (e.g. !remove 100 expertsonline )

    Added channel commands for mods to operate the raffle functionality. All actions are fully integrated with the GUI
        Open Ticket Raffle : !traffle open <cost per ticket> <max tickets> (e.g. !traffle open 1 10)
        Close Ticket Raffle : !traffle close
        Draw Ticket Raffle : !traffle draw
        Open Keyword Raffle : !kraffle open keyword (e.g. !kraffle open !moist)
        Close Keyword Raffle : !kraffle close
        Draw Keyword Raffle : !kraffle draw
        Open Auction : !auction open <min bid> <item> (e.g. !auction open 10 100m)
        Close Auction : !auction close