This is actually a problem for me too. I have a few series of commands that are working fine with DeepBot remote and then I have some commands that aren't working at all. I am using Deepbot version and OBS Studio 19.0.3. I have the security settings to Full Control.
I'll show you commands that are working followed by ones that are not working.
I have a giveaway script and when it comes to drawing the finalist, I show a source called "Giveaway Next Finalist". My command !giveawaycheckfinalistcount executes a command !obsshowsource and provides the source as a target and that source is called "Giveaway Next Finalist".
Here is the code of !obsshowsource command
In OBS Studio DeepBot Remote, I have it set to scan whenever the "Giveaway Next Finalist" source is enabled. When it is, send the hot keys Ctrl + Shift + F.
My hot keys in OBS studio basically say whenever Ctrl + Shift + F is pressed, show the "Giveaway Next Finalist" source and hide all of the other giveaway-related sources.
Ok that all works SPLENDID and I have all of the correct sources related to my giveaway commands hiding and displaying appropriately across all my scenes at the correct times.
Now for a command that is NOT working....
I have a command called !nocussstart that, when called, enables the source "No Cuss". NOTE: I have also tried changing the way the source was enabled. Instead of having it ont he right in the OBS Action section, I also tried using my same command used in the giveaway example called !obsshowsource. Neither solution worked.
In my OBS Studio DeepBot Remote, I have a scan enabled so that whenever "No Cuss" source is enabled, it should send the hot keys Ctrl + Shift + D.
Now in OBS Studio, I have those same hot keys assigned to showing the "No Cuss" source.
However, the source is never displayed even though OBS Studio DeepBot Remote is scanning and catching the event.
Also, as OP mentioned, if I right click on the Enable No Cuss scanner event and click Execute, it does work correctly. But it does not work coming through DeepBot.
NOTE: The reason it says "Disabling source 'No Cuss" in OBS Studio DeepBot Remote is because my !nocussstart command executes a command to hide the No Cuss source 15 seconds after it is called (it is longer in practice but I changed it to 15 seconds for my test). This isn't affecting OBS Remote, and in fact, there is supposed to be a scan that catches when the source is disabled and disables it across all my scenes and as you can see, the scan is seeing that it is executed, but it is not hiding the source correctly either.