Author Topic: VIP BOT  (Read 1002 times)

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« on: December 22, 2017, 09:17:28 AM »
Hi, to whom it concern:
My name is Diana & I'm a streamer on Twitch [] I know I have changed my name a couple times, now its been 3 weeks since my last name change (finally got the username I want) and now my gamble and all the "VIP" part of my bot don't work. I have no idea why this is happening. I paid the $10 a couple of times & pay for the bot monthly and it just started happening this week. Can someone please tell me what to do. Thanks & happiest of holidays to you <3


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« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2017, 12:48:31 AM »
So if you are subbed, and you got a name change, you need to cancel your sub since it is linked to your old name and resub under your new name. So depending on how long you have been making new payments under your old name vs new name, the dev will be able to credit you the VIP time. Then you would just wait for it to end before resubbing under new name.

You may have not personally posted a name change. But usually if you post on forums about a name change, we post something similar to the following: (Highlighted the part in red)

Permissions Updated.

If you need to update your bot's name here is the guide:

If you have a subscription setup, you will need to cancel your subscription on PayPal and resub under your new stream for your future payments to be automatically credited to for VIP on new account.
Guide on how to cancel an existing subscription:

Old Name: RepentGamingTV
Twitch: Here

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