Author Topic: Drop Gambling  (Read 2096 times)

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Drop Gambling
« on: October 27, 2013, 05:53:31 PM »
Hello ExpertsOnline,

My name is joseph and I stream at I have 40 viewers min and 80-90 max.
I have known your bot for so long but I didn't applied for beta since modbot is sufficient for me.
No offense, deep bot looks awesome although I still don't consider.   ;D

So, back to topic I have a suggestion like this ;

I play guess games with my audience. For example, they guess the next legendary drop etc.
When a viewer types something like "!nextlegendary echoing fury 100" and the other one types "!nextlegendary mempo 10" bot will understand that 2 players are in the guess game with 100 and 10 currency (my currency is bear in my channel) respectively and one guess is mempo and the other one is echoing furry.

By this time deep bot repeatedly shows the predictions and the total pot, like this ; "2 Viewers in the game, viewer one echoing fury (with 100 bears), viewer second mempo (10 bears), total pot is 110 bears. If you want to join this gambling please type !nextlegendary <your prediction>."

When I have a mempo drop.. Which happens a lot  8) I just type "!nextlegendaryis mempo"
This means that second viewer is the winner, first one loses all his 100 bears (currency) and the second one wins 10+100 bears.

That would be awesome if your bot could do this. And again awesome bot !

Keep up the good work !!!



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Re: Drop Gambling
« Reply #1 on: October 27, 2013, 06:21:30 PM »
Thanks for the feedback Joseph

Essentially, what you are asking for is a betting pool with infinite options which are undefined at start (lets assume infinite given the large number of possible legendary)
Although it sounds extremely flexible, it poses the following challenges:
1) Typo errors on betting entry ... if bet options can't be validated, users may lose their points. This is easy to point out when 20-40 people are betting, but in larger streams the oversight overhead is large.
2) Communicating current options ... the example you posted looks very doable with 2-3 bets. However, if there are 50 people all betting on a different legendary, the message from the bot would be too long and take multiple lines to communicate
3) UI Interaction - The most difficult part that takes a LOT of my time is how to present information visually to the streamer in an easy to use manner. I do not build any functionality that only can be operated by text commands. With infinite options, this is again very tricky.

An alternative I could suggest is to use the betting feature and generalize the options.
1) Helm , 2) Chest Armor, 3) Pants, 4) Boots  5) Gloves 6) Bracers 7) 1-handed weapon 8) two handed weapon 9) Rings 10) Amulet

Looking forward to more suggestions from the community.
