Hey all, an update if you will. I have made another modification to the chat. This version allows the chat to be faded out after so many seconds of inactivity (Default: 30 seconds) and will fade back in when there is activity again. As a result when no one is talking your stream will have a clear, unobstructed view of the action happening. Of course if you have a lot of activity this will never happen but there are times in all streams (namely the beginning when people are just joining) when this will be the case.
It's a simple effect but a nice effect none the less. If you choose to use this though, there are a couple modification that you need to make to make it suit your needs. You can edit any part of this code but there are two settings that are configurable at base. These are;
var fadetime = 30000; //Change this number to change the time the fade out occurs. 1 second = 1000 milliseconds. Set to 0 to disable fading
var fadeEmotes = false; // True if you want the emote counters div to get faded as well, false if not
Changing these two variables will change the way the fading works. By default 30 seconds of inactivity and the emotes counter will stay unfaded.
Any suggestions you have feel free to let me know. I'll look into incorporating them

Any problems let me know
Note: The new "index.html" file will be included with this post. It still uses the css file from the original
Edit: Edited code slightly