1.) A fellow female streamer MissyGotGame referred DeepBot to me.
2.) My stream name is "LadyVGaming"
3.) My twitch bot name is "LadyVBot"
4.) I stream Monday-Friday 3pm-10pm est. & Saturday 11am-7pm est. I also stream some morning's as well Monday-Friday. over 50 hours a week.
5.) My stream is not partnered yet with Twitch.
6.) I have around 20-40 users at a time in my channel, and I gain 400-500 views a days.
7.) I don't need to migrate existing point system over.
I started streaming on March 16th, 2015
As of today I have 962 followers & 4796 views on my channel.
I also Donated $10 USD through PayPal.
System Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the support!