you need to set up the permissions 
Yes, this is correct. By default no one can use the quote feature as it needs the permissions to set it up. To set up the permissions;
Stream Interaction -> Quotes -> Permissions (In the actions box)
From the box that opens up you can enable or disable the usergroups you want to be able to add, request or delete quotes. You can choose to charge point for the privilege of doing these actions on a per usergroup basis or you can leave it at 0 making it free to use.
To Add A Quote!addquote <name> <quote>
!addquote QuoteName This is the message
Please note that the name itself cannot contain spaces. Any space used from the name will make it become quote itself. Not to my knowledge anyway.
To Delete A Quote!delquote <ID>
The ID itself refers to the position in the list that the quote is, not the name. When you request a quote it will give the ID of the quote at the beginning. E.g. #6969
!delquote 6969
To Request A Quote!quote <Optional ID>
If you want a specific quote (and you know the position of it) fill out the ID. Otherwise just type !quote and let that random wheel spin.