a question, is it possible include a function in Deep Bot to make the VIP Status more attractiv, so i think about Free Raffle Entries etc. or some Specials, not only more points.
I try in the last two days the bankheist feature and it is amazing what the players do, they play more bankheist as attention what i play
. A Idea where like the loaded dice feature on manapot
for some specials for the bankheist game. Like a bulletproof vest on vip state, also more chance to survice on the heist. Like Bronze got +2,5% Chance, Silver +5% and Gold 7,5%.
Alternate where an idea for a custom login and logout message for vip's. So the VIP can it enter by self over a chat command and it will be safe like the btag feature..
The Bot Running really amazing. Only features to make the vip status more interest i miss..