Hi ExpertsOnline,
I really like your Bot and I appreciate your Work.
I like to use your Betting System on my World of Warcraft Stream - I would even say, that this is now the main/exclusive feature on my wow stream.
I've wrote a little c# app, which recognize (by image) if I join an Arena Game, starts the bets, close it and even looks If I won and sent the correct winoption command to the chat.
But I would really love to take a step forward. My Viewers are mostly German, and the English Messages are just ... Spam. Could you please make this Messages editable? I would like to merge the two Messages to one and translate it. I know you allready answered this question in another thread (can't find it at the moment) with no, but this feature would just be amazing.
The other thing is, that I would like to show the actual "Jackpot" on my Stream. There are only two options (win and lose). Their is allready an txt file, but only with the actual percent. The real point counter would be nice.
Btw most Viewers don't understand that they are betting against each other. My solution to get a few more Viewers to bet is, that my bot allways bets 10 points on Win. But it would be nice, if Users can just double (or are user editable factor) their bet. So everybody can allways bet, even if no other user wants to.
If you want to take a look at my use of the betting system, I will be online in about 2 hours.
Regards BlackmooreDD
P.S. I've just donated 5 USD for motivation