Author Topic: User throttling?  (Read 1070 times)

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User throttling?
« on: July 01, 2015, 02:37:24 AM »
For the example, we'll say there are five users in my channel. User 1 is a mod, if that makes a difference, but all commands being accessed are set permission to all viewers.

User 1 does too many !requestsong commands and Deepbot tells him to slow down. Other users 2-5 are able to still perform the command. Ten minutes later, everyone is doing !currency checks, user 1 has heard his songs, but now Deepbot is ignoring him and won't listen to ANY commands. Problem fixes it self about half an hour later.

1) Is Deepbot silently throttling the user for "spamming"?

2) Is this an intended feature? If so, can I mess with the settings on this?

3) Deepbot doesn't respond to incorrectly typed commands. Any way to get a log of this to troubleshoot?