Author Topic: "Regular" viewers & endless VIP  (Read 2972 times)

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  • Youngling
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"Regular" viewers & endless VIP
« on: September 21, 2015, 02:55:18 AM »
Coming from AnkhBot, a key feature that I was missing was the "Regular" feature. Whenever a viewer reached X amount of points or hours, they would automatically be assigned a "Regular". Regulars got discounts on song request, higher chances of winning in bank heists, etc. much like VIPs in DeepBot. The VIP feature is nice, but someone can only be assigned as one by donating, or by manually adding them to it. It would be nice to have something like that but have it be automatic, or maybe a way to add these types of ranks ourselves and set the discounts/bonuses.

Another feature that has come up when messing with VIPs is that there isn't really an ability to add someone to VIP indefinitely. It always has to expire in X amount of months. It looks like when I am editing the donation/VIP settings, I can set the number to 0, but if I'm manually adding someone to VIP I have to set a specific date and can't make it permanent.


1. A sort of "Regular" viewer group. Pretty much exactly like a VIP, but would be assigned automatically based on X points/hours instead of donating X dollars.
2. Ability to add custom "VIP" type ranks, each with custom point discounts/bonuses. (Having knowledge of programming and the process behind adding features I can understand how this would be a bigger task and may even require re-coding/structuring of some things, so #1 would be a more viable option. Still a neat thought though).
3. Ability to set VIP to not have an expiration. I can understand why there is an expiration and see the value to it, I just personally would like to have it be indefinite.

Really enjoying DeepBot otherwise :)


  • Youngling
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Re: "Regular" viewers & endless VIP
« Reply #1 on: October 28, 2015, 11:30:56 PM »
I've seen at least one bot aside from ankhbot where you could autopromote to regular status (essentially VIP Bronze) once a threshold was met (time watched/points earned/both). It would be nice to have this feature with deepbot.

In at least one case, there was points held, meaning if you had enough points, it could promote you, but if you had less, you could also be demoted.

I mean, I have a way for users to VIP themselves for points, but I'd like there to be an automatic as well.


  • Youngling
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Re: "Regular" viewers & endless VIP
« Reply #2 on: February 18, 2016, 09:07:08 AM »
I also second this, as there been any interest in this, is it completed also? Found this while googling.



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Re: "Regular" viewers & endless VIP
« Reply #3 on: February 24, 2016, 10:25:29 AM »
Coming from AnkhBot, a key feature that I was missing was the "Regular" feature. Whenever a viewer reached X amount of points or hours, they would automatically be assigned a "Regular". Regulars got discounts on song request, higher chances of winning in bank heists, etc. much like VIPs in DeepBot. The VIP feature is nice, but someone can only be assigned as one by donating, or by manually adding them to it. It would be nice to have something like that but have it be automatic, or maybe a way to add these types of ranks ourselves and set the discounts/bonuses.

Another feature that has come up when messing with VIPs is that there isn't really an ability to add someone to VIP indefinitely. It always has to expire in X amount of months. It looks like when I am editing the donation/VIP settings, I can set the number to 0, but if I'm manually adding someone to VIP I have to set a specific date and can't make it permanent.


1. A sort of "Regular" viewer group. Pretty much exactly like a VIP, but would be assigned automatically based on X points/hours instead of donating X dollars.
2. Ability to add custom "VIP" type ranks, each with custom point discounts/bonuses. (Having knowledge of programming and the process behind adding features I can understand how this would be a bigger task and may even require re-coding/structuring of some things, so #1 would be a more viable option. Still a neat thought though).
3. Ability to set VIP to not have an expiration. I can understand why there is an expiration and see the value to it, I just personally would like to have it be indefinite.

Really enjoying DeepBot otherwise :)
Hey man why not take a look at this command and let users buy there REG status or u could make it free but they have to have a number of points or hours in the stream then just change from 30 days to 365 for a year of reg
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