I have tested it with my streaming account and the command added to me 100 points too.
But to another guy who is not mod/streamer/whatever it worked perfect.
Btw: you should set the Access Control to: 8. Mod Only or higher. Just that the users don't abuse the command

Maybe you are automatic flagged as a follower to your own channel.
Like calling your self with the telefon. It will always be "busy".
I have extended the command a bit to be more dynamic:
!followpoints -> @if@[@lookupinfo@[@followdate@,@target@[2]]||Not Following||@target@[2] is not following.||!add @target@[1] @target@[2]]
And as an example and testing:
- user1 is not following
- user2 is following
- streameraccount is not following myself

MrOrkMork: !followpoints 100 user1
MiniMork: user1 is not following.
MrOrkMork: !followpoints 100 user2
MiniMork: Added 100 to user user2. New balance: 5.689
MrOrkMork: !followpoints 100 mrorkmork
MiniMork: Added 100 to user mrorkmork. New balance: 28.185