Ok, I got accepted to DeepBot, and so far im very happy =)
1. Is it possible to change the name of the Bot? Right now I called it TheBlackBot, but I think that its possible that it could be taken the wrong way =P So is it simple to remane the Bot itself?
2. I LOVE the way Cohh's Bot works on his stream. The Tokens the bot gives to people is not used as money, but rather a nod of "respect" So when they do a Giveaway, its as simple as "Giveaway for game X open, must have at least 250 tokens to enter, type !enter to win" So people type !enter, but I think the Bot ignores anyone who does not have at least 250 tokens on record, then they simply !claim if they win the game. Can DeepBot do this at all?
Thanks guys.