So as the subject says, I have a couple questions in regards of only using DeepBot for currency, groups, and greetings. Right now I am using Ultimate Twitch Bot for currency, groups, and greetings and MooBot for everything else but UTB is not working the exact way I want it to, so below are questions I hope I can get responses to.
1. Is there a way that I can get a version of DeepBot for ONLY currency, groups, and greetings or am I going to have to pay $10 every month for everything else I don't need?
2. Is there a way to get a free trial of DeepBot to be absolutely sure it does everything I need?
3. If I do get DeepBot, will my accounts and points of all users in UTB get transferred over to DeepBot?
Thank you for your time and I will be patiently waiting for answers!