I am just giving you other options, in no way am I trying to be rude or anything like that. I have answered each request to the best of my ability, but feel free to leave any feed back.
1) The Ability to add Some kind of Point Duplicator. Ex. Over 100 Viewers = x2 Points for 1 hour. Clearly already possible but Would be nice if there was some automatic feature. Possibly a feature that'll allow us to set a multiplier manually and give it a timer?
Already is one for activate chatters. o.o
Config Tab > Master Settings > Point Options

2) Ability to Blacklist users from requesting songs similar to blacklisting songs.
Could just ban them. Could also make song requests cost points. Or set users you trust to VIP with no points per song request.
3) Make it so When a Song is Requested it says the Song ID is displayed in the chat so that way a Mod on mobile sees the gag song they can remove it without having to leave the app and search the ID.
Could be possible.
3) Allow us Modify the Date a user Followed/Joined. (Accidental Unfollows)
Might be a possibility. Although since it pulls the data off twitch api, it may not even be possible.
4) Allow us change the User ranks by both Hours and Minuted instead of just Minutes
You mean like "User was has watched 10 hours and 36 minutes of the stream"?
5) Add a continuous moderation chain. Ex. 3 Mod strikes with Progressing Punishments. (Warning) (5 Min) (10 Min)
I do like the idea. It may be possible.
6) Allow someone to /w the bot then have the bot /w someone else. Ex. /w (Bot Name) !Tell Bot then /w a Random user in chat. (Gives fun variety to the /w when they can communicate through DB or Other things.
Could do something like this by using custom commands. Maybe this will work:

7) Allow users to Search songs on the Song Que. Instead of Scrolling through the Cue Allow us to Search in a Search bar similar to the User Options.
Probably use Deepbot API to display the songs onto a website and then add a search feature?