I want to create a custom price for the raffle tickets based on Regular, VIP Bronze, VIP Silver, VIP Gold... to do that, I could use this command:
keyword !raffleticket
@if@[>=||@streamrank@||10||!ticket @target@||You need to be Level 10 or VIP before you can participate in raffles!

Then I could set the cost of using this particular command per the user's regular or VIP status
The problem is that as soon as I press "Start New" (Raffle) button, the bot automatically throws this line into the chat:
"Type !ticket
- to enter, where "x" is the number of tickets."
I need to be able to change the keyword it's using. Please make this user-definable, and if nothing is defined, to use the default. OR allow us to change the cost per ticket based on VIP directly on the raffle page... That would be fantastic, thanks.