If you already have a !multi command, add the following commands:
!editcmd !multi HumbleLife Click the link to support the streamers! http://multitwitch.tv/CHANNEL/@target@ HumbleLife
!editcmd !multi CHANNEL is currently not streaming with anyone.
Replace CHANNEL with the name of your Twitch channel.
(If you don't use multitwitch.tv, just replace that with the site you use for multi streams.)
Now, whenever you want to set up a multi stream, just type !setmulti and the name of the other streamer to be included in the multi link. If you're going to set up a multi link for more than two people (including yourself), you'll have to separate the streamer names with /
!setmulti shesnaps/queenhomicida
~Updated command !multi in the database.
~HumbleLife Click the link to support the streamers! http://multitwitch.tv/overlordnazo/shesnaps/queenhomicida HumbleLife
~Updated command !multi in the database.
~OverlordNazo is currently not streaming with anyone.