Author Topic: List of variables/placeholders @...@  (Read 1681 times)

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List of variables/placeholders @...@
« on: February 29, 2016, 02:32:50 AM »
Hey there!

Is there a list of all available placeholders/variables (@user@, @points@, etc) from DeepBot and what they are replaced with?

I feel like @points@ for example might be 5 or 5.005 or even 5.005 (10.000) - are there more variants? If there is a list or any programmer can give me some information about this, that would be very helpful!

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Re: List of variables/placeholders @...@
« Reply #2 on: February 29, 2016, 10:33:05 PM »

Thanks, but this does not answer my question. I wanted to know what EXACT format a variable can be replaced with and under which conditions.

- Robert


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Re: List of variables/placeholders @...@
« Reply #3 on: March 02, 2016, 02:52:59 AM »
Hey there!

Is there a list of all available placeholders/variables (@user@, @points@, etc) from DeepBot and what they are replaced with?

I feel like @points@ for example might be 5 or 5.005 or even 5.005 (10.000) - are there more variants? If there is a list or any programmer can give me some information about this, that would be very helpful!

Best Regards,

Hey there,

Currently there isn't a list to show what each of the different variables will return. I will, however, go into a little more depth as to how you can control the output of @points@ as you mentioned that as a specific example. @points@ is controlled by your system wide settings of how you handle numbers. For example if you don't want the thousands seperator you can change this via a system setting to make it all one long number (Especially useful if you need to set the points off via a URL).

In Windows 7 this setting is controlled by "Change the Date, Time or Number Format" (I just searched for "numbers" via the search box in the start menu). Should open this window when you click it

Click advanced settings and you'll get this window

Now simply change the "Digit Grouping" to your desired notation, apply and restart Deepbot. This should then start returning numbers to how you desire.

Thanks, but this does not answer my question. I wanted to know what EXACT format a variable can be replaced with and under which conditions.

- Robert

Now, for your specific examples as to if it'll show 5, 5.005 or 5.005 (10.000) it all depends what the user has done. The number in the brackets will appear whenever they are taking part in a bet/minigame to show the amount of points they have tied up. It'll show a decimal point if another viewer or yourself has decided to just give half points to people.

Any other specific variables you'd like to know?

« Last Edit: March 02, 2016, 07:06:02 AM by Dante557 »
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