Author Topic: DeepBot Custom Command - Need Help setting up some custom Commands please help!  (Read 6017 times)

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how to:

[Shows the List of Commands YOUR Account has Privileges too] -[bronze, silver, gold etc]
[this command would work diffrent for mods and have it whisper you a list of the commands or open doc with commands for the mods and you]

!Regulars [Shows the list of Silver Users] [only usable by silver users and up]

!Dedicateds [Shows list of Gold Users] [only usable by gold users and mods and streamer]

!Common [Shows list of Bronze users [only usable by silver users and up]

!Newcomer [Shows the people who are new to the Stream & Normal Users]  [only usable by silver users and up]

!Song [says the current Song Playing in foobar / the word document that the command reads it from]

!Poll [allows Silver and higher users to make a strawpoll within chat]

!Title [Shows the stream title for everyone, and also allows moderators to modify it]

!Winner [Chooses a random user in chat as a winner]

!Minigame / !Chatgame [Allows users bronze and up to see the current 2 Chat Minigames enabled in the stream chat]

!PollMinigame [lets bronze and + make a Straw Poll on that 3 Minigames out of 6 Minigames should be Enabled for the chat, the 3 minigames that get least votes will be disabled for chat, and the 3 winner minigames will be enabled for public chat]

I Need some help Setting these commands up D: if anyone can help me please explain how to get each one of these to work its very important to me
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  • Twitch Name: TheNumbLock
You can see a list of custom command variables, which may help you here:
Also a list of built in commands:

It is possible. Basically you have the command run a check on their @userclass@.

@userclass@ = Displays the class of the user. [Streamer, DeepBot, Mod Level 1, Mod Level 2, VIP Gold, VIP Silver, VIP Bronze, Viewer]

Just make these commands first:

1. !commands @if@[@userclass@||Mod Level 2||!mods2commands||!commands2]

(I recommend ticking Hide from command list on these ones below)

2. !commands2 @if@[@userclass@||Mod Level 1||!mods1commands||!commands3]

3. !commands3 @if@[@userclass@||VIP Gold||!vipgoldcommands||!commands4]

4. !commands4 @if@[@userclass@||VIP Silver||!vipsilvercommands||!commands5]

5. !commands5 @if@[@userclass@||VIP Bronze||!vipbronzecommands||!commands6]

6. !commands6 @if@[@userclass@||Viewer||!viewercommands||Error!]

Then the commands for each userclass: (I recommend ticking Hide from command list on these ones below)

1. !mods2commands /w @user@ Command List Here   (Or you can have deepbot read a .txt file. If you want this option, you have to make the .txt files in the custom logs folder or have it read it from a file path) /w @user@ @readfile@[modcommands.txt] or /w @user@ @readfile@[C:\Stream\Text Files\modcommands.txt]

2. !mods1commands /w @user@ Command List Here

3. !vipgoldcommands /w @user@ Command List Here

4. !vipsilvercommands /w @user@ Command List Here

5. !vipbronzecommands /w @user@ Command List Here

6. !viewercommands /w @user@ Command List Here

The !regulars=!newcomers commands are possible, but the problem is, that you are going to probably have a really long .txt file or list. Since twitch limited how many characters per message you can have, it really isn't worth it.

!song would first need to be renamed something else since the bot already uses !song. But you can use @readfile@[PathToFileHere\currentsong.txt]

!poll would need to be integrated into deepbot for strawpoll at least.

!title You would just use @customapi@[] Mods can use: !updatetitle <title> : Updates the stream title. [MOD Level 2 Only]

!winner You would use @randomuser@

!minigame/!chatgame you would just use the VIP Modifications part of the command editor, then chain a command to check their @userclass@ and run a command to give them commands to mini-games.

!pollminigame Probably do-able
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  • Youngling
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do the commands need to be alerted if the classes are renamed or is the classes renamed just a physical thing and not a actual mechanic
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  • Twitch Name: TheNumbLock
do the commands need to be alerted if the classes are renamed or is the classes renamed just a physical thing and not a actual mechanic

I have not tested or tried.
Old Name: RepentGamingTV
Twitch: Here

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