Author Topic: Preserve Username Capitalization in @user@  (Read 1259 times)

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  • Youngling
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Preserve Username Capitalization in @user@
« on: May 18, 2016, 05:06:20 AM »
As of now, username capitalization preferences are lost when using the @user@ variable in Deepbot. Because usernames are proper nouns they should at the very least begin with a capital letter and read poorly otherwise.

Yay grammar!

Attached is an example of my username capitalization being preserved in Nightbot, but ignored in DeepBot.


TalonBytes: !Byte Apevman
Nightbot: Apevman!  KAPOW You've been BYTTEN by TalonBytes . Ouch!  WutFace
Deepbot: Apevman!  KAPOW You've been BYTTEN by talonbytes . Ouch!  WutFace