Hello everyone,
I have a question in regards to OBS Studio DeepBot Remote. I recently switched over to OBS Studio from classic. i used to use OBS Remote with classic. then i found out the OBS Studio DeepBot Remote that is in the DeepBot folder for Studio. The documentation is a bit confusing with it comes to the part about making the command to trigger the hotkeys you set up. I have a command called !Rip, it displays a Gif on the screen, after 5 seconds, that command is chained to a command called !RipOff, which then disables it so it can be used again latter.
I have set up the hot key in Studio for this using ctrl + shift + r. i have set this in both the settings in OBS Studio and the Editor in OBS Studio DeepBot Remote, so my question is the following, how do i make it so that the command !Rip triggers the hotkey ctrl + shift + r ? Doc says to do the following,
Document: Link:
Once that is done, the last step is to create the DeepBot command that will trigger the scanner. To do this, go into DeepBot and create a new custom command. You can setup the access control as needed to ensure only people you trust can use the command.
Then on top bottom right, you will find a section around OBS Remote. Here you need to enter the same details you entered when you created the “Scanner” inside the companion app. So in our case it will be Enable source “WebCam”. Simply hit save once you are done, and the setup is complete. Execute the command and see the magic happen!
I know what the doc is say in i need to make a command, thats what i have set up for it in OBS Classic and OBS remote plugin i used to use. Im not understanding how to set the command !Rip to trigger a hotkey. unless im not reading this right.
Below is what i have set up