Thanks. I'm not sure I understand the issue here, apart from the idea that RNG is not really that random...
Any random value generated in a program can never really be considered truly random. Basically in this case a random value is selected and seeded to the point where it can be as close to random as it can be. However the same value can pop up, sometimes multiple times in a row, even with this method.
The example in that post shows a small sample but even in that small sample the same number pops up 3 times in a row.
This is basically how I like to think about it...
In real life roulette there are multiple factors which determine where the ball will land
- The speed at which the roulette board is spun
- The position at which the ball enters the circle
- The speed at which the roulette ball actually enters the circle
- The smoothness of the ball
- The smoothness of the table
There are probably other factors I haven't mentioned but that's a big chunk of them
Turning to the implementation we have here and there is only one random number which is generated. The on screen graphic will create the illusion that it is spinning to that but ultimately one number is generated between the range. The other factors mentioned here don't play a role in this being generated. This number is seeded, possibly with the current time in seconds since January 1st 1970, to help along with this.
Now if the same numbers got generated in the exact same pattern every time you booted it up then clearly we have a problem here but due to the payout rate that is 0 (I believe it's 35 x betting amount as shown on then they have 34 attempts to make their money back. That's a huge amount of spins.
The fact a 0 does appear every stream does actually show the RNG is working but only IF it is appearing in a different position each time. Just put it down to bad luck but do keep us posted. I recommend analysing it over a 5 day period, making a note of the results and posting your findings here