Suggestions are below:
1. As a newer streamer, I am finding real estate on my 2 monitors becoming scarce. I would love to see DEEP BOT have a show my stream tab with chat on it, very similar to the music tab where it show the youtube video playing.
2. A webpage tab: (Similar to the current tab that come to your forums.) I use goggle docs a lot to record various info and codes during my streams. Having a webpage tab allowing me to use a specific webpage like google docs or such would be great.
3. Custom Individual personal messages as (Ultimate Twitchbot) has for my viewers as they enter. I love this as it save me the time of stopping game play to offer a personal greeting which I hate to miss doing for my regulars and vip members. I find that such individual messages are great and really give you the personal touch.
These would be a great advantage to having and continuing with this bot as it currently has a lot of features I love.
Thanks for taking the time to consider this suggestion.
P.S. I forgot to ask to the volume control for the alerts for followers/donators/subs. Allow us to control the volume with a simple slider.