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Messages - DizzyDizaster

Pages: [1] 2
Bug Reports / Re: Follow engine - Latest follower "Disconnected"
« on: September 20, 2014, 10:45:01 AM »
This issue has appeared to resolve itself after a few hours.

Bug Reports / Follow engine - Latest follower "Disconnected"
« on: September 20, 2014, 07:53:55 AM »
My follow engine isn't working. It's showing Latest follower as disconnected since the last update. I've had to shut the engine off because of this. I have the hotfix patch and I can confirm I'm VIP.

Any idea?

Bug Reports / Re: Follows not registering
« on: July 12, 2014, 03:54:09 AM »
In addition to this, Subs are routinely not receiving their promotion to VIP Bronze when they sub. Im having to manually do everything. Is there something wrong with the bot talking to Twitch right now?

Bug Reports / Follows not registering
« on: July 11, 2014, 11:08:51 AM »
People are following. Follow notification isn't going off and people arent getting their 10 caps. This started yesterday. Possible twitch issue with bots?

Just a thought. Could this be related to the amount of users stored in the database?

I will be switching to a 3 monitor setup shortly. That will free up some real estate and hopefully I can give more feedback.

This is a little concerning to me now. I just noticed the latest version of Deepbot, when it does this "timeout" thing in the background, it is not properly delivering my chat currency both in and outside stream hours.

Is there ANY way to prevent it from going idle in the background?

Not a problem. I understand you guys are working very hard and I know you appreciate things being documented. I'll continue to post anything else I notice related.

Feature Requests / @notfollow@ ?
« on: March 31, 2014, 01:25:41 AM »
Is it possible to create something with that involves the people not following.. I.E. a notfollow variable?

I'm extremely excited about being able to see follow date in User lists. I can clearly click on this and encourage people to individually join us. If there was some sort of way to have the bot do this, it would be awesome too.

I know it's extremely dynamic with people going in and out but perhaps there'd be some way to randomly extract 5 - 10 people who arent following based on a function. I.E. notfollow5 or notfollow10 picks out x number of random people from that pool.

I do another little experiment. I left Deepbot on top of all other programs over night. When I left it behind the other night, it did the "idle" thing. Leaving it in primary focus let it do it's thing.. So apparently this is only happening when Deepbot is behind other programs, even partially.

Just got home from work. Deepbot was behind Vent and OBS. Click on Deepbot, immediately watched the bot solicit in chat.

Is something going idle? Can we prevent this?

Allow me to make this even more weird :

!currency and other !commands run by the bot still appear to work FINE during the stall.

Follows Alerts/Timer Messages/Currency Dispensing are the things I've noticed stalling and have had to click the window to main focus every so often to make happen.

Bug Reports / Falling out of Focus / Delaying Bot (Primary Window)
« on: March 29, 2014, 04:13:46 AM »
This is interesting and I've noticed over the course of the past few weeks. I wasn't sure if this was true until I tested some things and I'm pretty sure I have evidence that the bot is "stalling" when it is not the primary window.

For example :
I run a two monitor setup. I have probably 10-15 windows of things open on monitor 2 when I'm running stream. Monitor 1 is the game, of course.

I more often than not run OBS on top of the Deepbot program. Sometimes I notice people complaining about not getting our currency or the timed solicitations not going out. If I drag away the OBS window, I notice an echo as if the Deepbot program is crashed.. Or I notice the timers on it have stopped.

If I click on the deepbot window, the timers shoot forward and resync, the timed commands go off in chat, and people get their currency. It's almost as if the bot is going into idle mode when it's in the background.

Any thoughts on this?

Help/Support / Battletag inquiry / Display
« on: March 27, 2014, 04:21:41 AM »
Is there a way to have someone be able to display their own, or display someones battletag to the chat room ? Also is there a way to give confirmation to someone when they store a battletag?

I'm aware that !btag <name> stores the name.. But I wouldn't know this if I wasn't looking at the User database as I did it.

Also, storing it in the database is only good for people who can see the user database. Is there some way to do a @btag@ inquiry similar to the follow date/ vip?

You can do this by adjusting Request Costs / Max Songs on the bottom of the Music tab.

During giveaways, especially keyword giveaways will there be a future way to customize this message?

It would be cool if for keyword giveaways it resolicited the giveaway keyword. "

8 minutes left! Enter by typing !keyword"

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