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Messages - DarktideFoulmist

Pages: [1]
Feature Requests / Re: Remote Access / Dashboard
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:51:49 PM »
Totally agree,

My stream I run the Deepbot off my computer, but the other guys have no way to access it. Specially with trolls that put molly or some other song on the list constantly makes it a pain with night bot.

Anything like this would be helpful. So that I can just keep nightbot as my always on guard bot and keep using this for all the other great features.

Bug Reports / Re: Points
« on: April 25, 2014, 08:47:35 PM »
Nope, it wasn't disabled, but jump starting his points by two for the whole stream seemed to get it going again. Even after just adding points to him did not work (it applyed the points i manually gave but still did not cause him to earn points). After more work with it and perm banning and un perm banning people I was able to duplicate the error. So it has to do with something along the lines of, if they was perma banned (by a mod or myself) it causes the system for some reason to just not start points back up for the person if he/she gets unbanned. This case may not happen to alot of people but my mods sometimes are going for the perma ban on one person and the stream clicks up just right and hits the wrong person. Anyways, I thought I would let you guys know. Hopefully its a simple fixed.

Sorry it took so long to reply i wanted to do a good test on the issue before I came back with any information.

Bug Reports / Re: Points
« on: April 17, 2014, 08:08:01 AM »
Yes, and yes... I can find him and his point totals. I can see his time logged going up and everything but no points being added. I think i may have fixed the glitch by just giving the whole stream 2 points, but I dont know why it happened is my problem.

Bug Reports / Points
« on: April 16, 2014, 11:27:54 AM »
Have a couple of guys in my stream, not earning points. The only thing i can think of is they where timed out, and the other banned by a miss click. Once removed from the ban and time out. They have not been earning points. Is this a known issue?

Everyone else is working correctly tho.


Me and my partner streamers, are requesting to use the deep bot on our stream We are growing at a rapid rate, and need to find the best thing out there that we can use to bring at great experience to the community and viewers that are quickly growing around us. I also have donated the 10 dollars that is requested due to the partnership has been agreed to by Twitch, they just have not yet updated our stream with the sub button and adds.

If you agree with the above and wish to apply for this closed beta, please reply here with:
Where did you hear about DeepBot from? Deagan he has been our inspiration, and mentor in our growing process.
Your stream name? DyreNyhmn
Twitch bot account name?(This needs to be a valid twitch account, other than your streamer account you own that the bot will connect to) Shrekedbot.
Your streaming schedule? [Days/Approximate time] All times are in PST. Bennegins from 8am-5pm, DyreNyhmn from 5pm-12pm, Gwsyren 1201am-8am, Darktidefoulmist (FIlls to keep stream going, and keeps stuff like deepbot and everything in line.)
Is your stream partnered with Twitch? Yes, we was sent all the information and it has been turned in. Our sub button should be here this weekend.
Average number of users on your channel? Ben's shift 250-400, Nyhmns shift 400-500 (prime time), Gwsyren 200-300. During our 150 hour stream for ESO we maintained an average f 900 viewers.
Do you need to migrate an existing points system over to DeepBot? If yes, please specify which Bot you are currently using. Currently using, my own, knight, and moo. I created my own do to the fact that there was a person that was running around during Giveaway times with his bots to win giveaways. Created a system to deal with it that actually granted points to viewers. Viewers had to have over 10 points (1 hour) to be entered into giveaways. Worked well and kept jackasses off our backs.

Like I said, I need the best of the best. Splitting the workload across 3 bots, is daunting to say the least.

Thank you for your time and consideration from everyone in the Dyre Clan.

DarktideFoulmist (Matt)
Bennegins (Ben)
Dyre (Brook)
Gwsyren (Sara)

Experts Edit : Application Accepted. Install complete. Thanks for the donation!

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