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Messages - Feadern

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Help/Support / Re: Few Questions Regarding Beta/Release/Price
« on: June 04, 2014, 10:49:32 PM »
Is it not possible to just buy rights to use the bot and host it on our own VPS? Instead of paying per month for the hosting on your server?

You could even do like beta, $10 for the bot, and with any patches to add to the bot (rather than bug fixes) charge $5 for the updated version, that way people can decide when to update or not if it's worth it to them?
(Just an idea to keep some coming in)

You won't use your own VPS space then too.

awesome! one more question tho. how do i get the white to dissapear? there isnt a chroma key function. and i still see all of the white around the png.

Is the white caused by the 'glow' (fade out) effect? If so, is there chance Deepbot compresses it to a JPEG, Chromakey's the white area, however due to the fade in with blue, it won't be perfect white where the white actually is; which would make it still appear.

I've seen this happen on something else, and the only thing was to get rid of any lower opacity colours as the white just shows through :(

Edit: because of how your images are, it would be easily possible to just have the centerpiece (marble effect area) drop down rather than the border, and stop it before the border glow, making it appear as though it's the same border (although it won't be the exact same effect)

Hopefully Experts can say for sure though, I'm just trying to help with ideas :)

Help/Support / Re: Few Questions Regarding Beta/Release/Price
« on: June 03, 2014, 07:04:06 PM »
Hey Experts,

Many thanks for getting back to me with the information. Sorry to bother you but is there any chance you could lay out some potential launch plans? I wouldn't expect Deep Bot to be free as it's one of the best I've found, but I'm also not going to be willing to spend $30 a month or something similar. Do you guys have an upper limit or anything like that?

In regards to the customization options. Are these available via editing of the bot if that's available or is it something we have to wait to be implemented?

Thanks again!

I think an answer of this will probably help with getting interest too, a lot of people seem worried about getting used to a bot for it to become an unreasonable price (although I guess that is different for each person) and have to call it quits with the bot; so they may as well make it easier on the viewers and not bother with it.

It could be a good idea to create a rough estimate plan perhaps?

Unfortunately at this point, running multiple bots on the same machine is not supported and there is currently no easy way to have a shared currency across streams.
I am exploring technical solutions for this, but at this point in time there is nothing reliable that would get the job done with the level of quality and reliability needed to prevent abuse.

It might be a feature that is incorporated in a later version of the bot in the future, but for now, I am afraid this is not supported.

At least it's a thought, that's good news. Hopefully it's possibly but I understand the fact it could be abused so fully understand if it never becomes a feature due to that :)

Feature Requests / Re: Optional Disclaimer
« on: May 29, 2014, 06:43:11 AM »
Well you're not paying for the online-currency either, so would that actually be included? I would understand with people who do "Donate $1 to be entered into the draw" but this is imaginary points?

Feature Requests / Re: Optional Disclaimer
« on: May 28, 2014, 08:16:36 PM »
I just figure it is better to cover our asses than to get banned over it. I know its been a touchy subject since the towelliee thing.

I don't know about this, is there a place I can find out what you mean? :)

I would imagine you would need 2 databases sort of thing, the main file that stores the data from all the bots in a team as base (background) number, and then one that refreshes each start up.


I have 500 points on the VPS main database

I boot up deepbot, it shows 500 total: 0 currently.

During the stream I earn 200 points (totalling 500+200)

now.. If I shut down deepbot, it just adds 200 (not sure how the code is but similar to var Global.totalFeadern += var currentFeadern then var currentFeadern = 0

Then as for spending, it might have to work to check current points, use them as a priority, and then if there isnt enough it takes points off from the base.

Obviously I'm no coder at all, no idea how hard/easy this is or how it would be done - but it's just how I assumed it would work :D

Custom Notifications / Re: Changing Sub Image
« on: May 28, 2014, 07:49:55 AM »
Glad to hear you got it sorted!  ;D

Sorry I couldn't help more, I'll have the bot myself soon I hope so may be able to help more in future ;)

Custom Notifications / Re: Changing Sub Image
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:41:01 PM »
Heres an 2 pictures of what im talking about. These are actual subscribers  :P

Picture 1: Longer type name fits quite well, its a TAD off. But def okay:

Picture 2: Short Sub name, looks terrible and a bit unprofessional:,HlwoGhr#0

I did see you mention an easier way of making this happen. I cant wait till then, as somebody who doesnt know ANYTHING about css. This is def a painfull process.

So, what can i do to fix this?

That looks like it's text-align: left; with possibly an added margin-left or padding-left to push it further right (as a false centering).

You need to find which CSS is the code, and try remove anything from it (keep a backup of the code!) that plays with the alignment, and then add something like I said before:

Code: [Select]
text-align: center !important;

This will center it to the actual <div> that it's in. However when it's centered, if the div isn't directly inside the body of it, it could be a little off-center, but once you have the text centered, then you can play around with the margin-left/padding-left (I wouldnt be sure which, I'd have to try it to know sorry) to push it into place, since it changes the (thinking of the best way to describe it here) 'creation point' to the middle of the text no matter how large or small.
However it would be nice to know the class/ID of the div that the text is inside of so you can play with the margins of the actual div rather than the text itself, or even center align the div also :)

Hope that helps, if not, hopefully Experts can help you out properly since I'm only an amateur web designer lol :)

Bug Reports / Re: Does anyone know how to put a nice space?
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:36:06 PM »
If I'm reading this right, this probably has to do with the font and font size you have chosen.

I'm assuming you are using OBS. What font are you using and at what size is it?

Sounds like it's possible, if that's the case some CSS will help :)

Look here, it's probably what you're after.

Code: [Select]
#cssID (or) .cssClass {

letter-spacing: 5px; /*creates 5 pixel gaps between letters*/


Help/Support / Re: Donation info
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:33:15 PM »
Ok so recently i was given a 1 week trial period, and i have used the bot enough to know that i want to donate so that i can keep it through the closed beta, I dont have a lot to donate so i was wondering how much was required so that i can continue use of this bot?

it says minimum of $10 on the wiki page :)

Then $5/month for VIP status to stay for the extra features.

Guides, Tutorials & Demo Videos / Re: Deepbot Tutorial
« on: May 26, 2014, 07:26:18 PM »
2 birds with 1 stone. I approve

Or in this case, 3 birds  ;)

Guides, Tutorials & Demo Videos / Re: Deepbot Tutorial
« on: May 23, 2014, 06:13:15 AM »
Must say, I really liked it. Very clear and straight to the point :)

If all files are backed up locally, does that mean on release you could host DeepBot on a VPS, and you could have a 'team bot' that could take care of multiple streams?


If each person has a bot, put them all onto a VPS which could be then store the points from each on on a single area of a VPS and then total up from multiple bots (essentially to create a guild point system, that you can gain points for viewing any of the guild streamers?)

That would be a pretty awesome feature if it's possible :)

Custom Notifications / Re: Changing Sub Image
« on: May 22, 2014, 06:07:57 AM »
It looked pretty good using "margin-left: #px;" or was that not what you were in need of?

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