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Messages - forcekin_gaming

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So, basically what I'm suggesting is adding a parameter to the betting start command that would dictate how long betting was open for before it automatically closed itself. That way a mod could start the betting and sort of set and forget it until the time came to select the winner.
e.g.  !betting start <timer in seconds> <maxbets> <housecut> <betting_on> <option1> <option2> [ !betting start 60s 100 0 This_is_a_test_bet yes no maybe ]

Bug Reports / Re: Bank Heist missing a line of script
« on: October 05, 2016, 08:38:39 PM »
I'm having this issue too. It's extremely annoying. Why would the start script not run every time? If that's by design, it makes no sense at all. Can anyone confirm if this is just a bug or if it's by design?

Help/Support / Start message for bank heist no showing?
« on: October 05, 2016, 02:27:04 PM »
Hey, guys! I just started using DeepBot and I'm loving it so far. The only issue I've encountered is that for the bank heist minigame, the start message seems to be skipped every time the game is played. I changed all the fields so that the game has a fantasy theme, where the participants will hunt down anything from a single thief, all the way up to a dragon depending on how many join in on the adventure. The problem is that the start message is where they're told what they'll be hunting, and it never displays. Is this a bug that I can correct somehow? Thanks for any help!

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